Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Learn Java for free


I'm a J2EE developer with a reputed company.I work in UK. I have been programming with Java and J2EE for the last 6 years.
When I started learning Java I was recommended with many books.I had a problem doing it that way.Most of the books were just talking about Foo and Foo.I didn't have an iota of idea about what was Foo an why they were talking about Foo.I couldn't read more than 2 pages a day.Sometimes it is very hard to push past even 1 page.So I thought may be I can make it easy.
All I'm going to do is to teach Java in a very simple manner.Most of the examples will be easy enough to understand relating them to real situations.I want to make this a fun session.We will have one session a week.I hope you will like this effort of mine.
Please feel free to add your comments.

Thanks in Advance for your support.


Blogger boykilay said...

no more posts? im looking forward to see more contents from this blog. thanks and keep up the good work.

8:47 AM  

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